Tag Archives: Solar Power New Jersey
New Jersey renewable energy companies list on Era-Energy

Era-Energy has started to present companies developing, exploring and promoting renewable energy sources, working globally, nationally and locally. At US National Renewable energy developers’s page you can find a brief description and links to many large companies that implement projects and have a substantial presence across the country or in more than 5 states, while smaller local developers, installers, supporters and others could be found on the pages of the respective states. Having in mind that climate change is affecting New Jersey faster than much of the rest of the United States, exploration of renewable energy sources and harnessing of solar power should be a top priority. As of 2019, New Jersey was one of the fastest-warming states in the nation. Since 1895, average temperatures have climbed by almost 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit, double the average for the other Lower 48 states. Therefore, representing a variety of renewable energy companies in New Jersey can be helpful to many who are still seeking information on how to make their informed choices on going solar. As one of the most populous states in the United States, and the most densely populated ones, and one of wealthiest state by median household income, New Jersey has all the conditions to be a leader in renewable energy transition.
The lists of renewable energy companies providing solar, wind or other form of green energy sources decisions will be updated on a regular basis.
New Jersey Renewable Energy

Here are listed many of the developers, installers and other renewable energy companies in New Jersey
NJR Clean Energy Ventures (NJRCEV) – https://www.njrcleanenergyventures.com/ – NJRCEV develops and invests in clean energy projects throughout the Northeast that create economic value for customers, including a reduction in electricity costs, roof or land lease payments and building upgrades. Since its inception in 2010, the company has built a portfolio of nearly 400 megawatts (MW) of installed capacity with projects serving the residential, commercial and wholesale markets.
Vanguard Energy Partners, LLC – https://www.vanguardenergypartners.com/ – Vanguard Energy Partners is a national solar design-build firm that specializes in commercial, industrial and utility-scale projects. Some of Vanguard’s most notable projects include the highest solar array in the world, one of the largest rooftop arrays in North America, the first commercial net zero electric facility in the United States and the largest array in New Jersey built by a public utility. The Vanguard team will manage every aspect of your project from conceptual layout to financial planning and engineering through construction. Vanguard’s proven expertise is built upon our team’s extensive experiences in the renewable energy market.
Go Solar New Jersey – https://gosolarnewjersey.org/ – Go Solar New Jersey is a licensed & trained solar power specialist that offers various solar-related services and programs for residential and commercial customers. Go Solar New Jersey is a leader in the solar panel installation industry. The company is known as one of the most reputable solar companies in NJ. The team members are the brightest, most knowledgeable solar technicians in the state at Go Solar New Jersey. Each of the installers has a firm grasp on EPC concepts.
Kopp Electric Company – https://www.koppelectric.com/ – Licensed NJ Electrical Contractors. One of the leading solar companies in NJ. Kopp Electric Company is a family owned and operated business located at 1184 Fischer Blvd. Toms River, NJ. While small enough that many local businesses rely on Kopp’s expertise, many Fortune 500 companies also count on the team as their sole NJ electrical contractors.
NJ Renewable Energy – https://njrenewableenergy.com/ – NJ Renewable Energy was founded in 2003. Located In Princeton Junction NJ, the company installs Solar PV, Solar Thermal and Electric Car Charging Stations all across the Tri-state area.
KC Green Energy – https://www.kcgreenenergy.com/ – KC Green Energy, a division of Kautz Construction, is a family-owned solar company that specializes in both installing and designing solar electric roofing systems for commercial and residential locations. KC Green Energy has more than a decade of experience with solar panel installation, working in Pennsylvania, Maryland and, New Jersey, offering an exceptional level of quality and top-notch service.
GeoPeak Energy – http://www.geopeakenergy.com/ – GeoPeak Energy designs, deploys, and operates renewable energy systems, focusing in the areas of solar and wind, through innovative technologies and exceptional customer service. GeoPeak’s offerings include project feasibility studies, development, financing, installation, delivery, ongoing monitoring and maintenance. GeoPeak Energy’s industry-leading solutions and services, enhanced with its design expertise, enables its customers to maximize clean energy output and significantly increase energy savings.
Kaitanna Solar – https://kaitannasolar.com/ – Kaitanna Solar is a local, family-owned company with over eight years of solar industry experience. Staffed by solar technology experts (not salespeople), Kaitanna Solar works to provide you with the best product for your needs at our lowest prices. Kaitanna Solar in Mullica Hill, New Jersey is here to help.