Tag Archives: US solar equipment manufacturers
Solar equipment manufacturers – PV modules
BOSCH – Bosch Solar Energy AG stands for the Solar Energy division of the Bosch Group and, together with its subsidiaries, it is a leading provider of silicon-based photovoltaic products with a consistent focus on product quality.
PANASONIC – Production is becoming more decentralized. Storage is becoming more common. And “demand-response” pricing, enabled by the flow of data, is helping utilities better align demand for power with the cost to generate and distribute it. Panasonic innovations are behind these and other industry shifts, creating new opportunities for municipalities, utilities, builders, homeowners and major electricity customers, including hyperscale data centers. See how we’re turning the best of our thinking into brighter solutions.
Tesla – Tesla solar panels are designed to be highly efficient, delivering maximum solar production year-round, even on roofs with complicated angles. Powered by Tesla Solar Inverter, your fully integrated system is safe and reliable.
Hanwha – The Company is the world’s leading producer of photovoltaics, with the world’s largest in-house cell production capacity, growing with the belief that economies of scale hold the power to enhance the value and competitiveness of solar energy.
SCHOTT – When it comes to energy production and protecting the environment, going down new paths is more critical than ever before. SCHOTT has been active in the field of solar technology for decades. With this experience SCHOTT develops new solutions for sustainable energy supply. Solutions, ensuring a responsible use of the resources of our planet.
SAMSUNG – For more than 70 years, Samsung has been at the forefront of inno-vation. In 2019, Samsung replaced all the electricity used at its global sites in the U.S. and China with renewable energy — one year earlier than our 2020 goal. The reason they put this in place so quickly is because they wanted to expand the use of pollution-free renewable energy and reduce the use of regular energy, the main cause of global warming.
KYOCERA – Kyocera’s solar modules are the first in the world to have been certified in the Long-Term Sequential Test that measures a module’s durability and reliability.
Suniva – Suniva is America’s oldest solar cell manufacturer, with the largest solar cell manufacturing facility in North America. Suniva was founded in 2008, out of one of the world’s foremost photovoltaic research institutes, The University Center for Excellence in Photovoltaics at Georgia Tech, from research sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy.The Company develops, manufactures and markets high-efficiency silicon photovoltaic (PV) cells. Suniva’s focus is solely on silicon PV cell technology and manufacturing and does not engage in any of the downstream integration or manufacturing of modules or products which use its cells.
AE Solar – German brand in the renewable energy industry, providing high-quality products and services since 2003. AE Solar TIER1 Company was founded by Dr. Alexander Maier and his brothers in Königsbrunn, Germany. AE Solar is one of the award-winning leading brands in the renewable energy industry, providing high-quality new renewable energy products and services since 2003. Driven by both innovations in technology and an effective brand strategy, AE Solar continuously extends the industry chain upstream and successfully executes the downstream projects. AE Solar brand has become synonymous with high performing, top-quality photovoltaic modules and has specialized in PV technology innovation, application, and system development.