Energy independence – oil, gas, nuclear power, renewable energy, money and time
Taking a glimpse at the debates on energy matters puts a lot of questions. It is obvious that when you look through the eyes of a profit it is easier to keep the status quo. It always is easier to earn money when you steal instead of creating. The simple fact is that when we use natural resources, we steal from the planet and we’re not giving them back. We consume the products we steal and forget about our deeds. But as the human laws are set to protect the community, the natural laws are formed to protect the eternity, and in both cases there is no theft unpunished. The slight difference is in the time factor – the human laws are based on a single person’s life, while natural ones are part of a way longer cycle.
On the other hand, when you look through the eyes of a prophet it is obvious that the status should be changed and at this stage of technology development, the renewable energy seems a fair try.
Now, back to our question – is it independence when you count on limited in quantity resources and what is the price that could change a verdict?