Solar energy sources

PV solar power - Era-Energy has started to present local, national and global companies developing, exploring and promoting renewable energy sources. More »

The Earth energy and the beauty

The Earth energy sources - Earth’s energy comes from the original formation of the planet and from radioactive decay of minerals. The geothermal gradient, which is the difference in temperature between the core of the planet and its surface, drives a continuous conduction of thermal energy in the form of heat from the core to the surface. More »

The power of the water

Hydropower, hydroelectric power or water power is power that is derived from the force or energy of flowing or falling water, which may be harnessed for useful purposes. More »

The power of the wind

The wind power is the ability of air movement to do work. Today, wind energy turbines are used mainly for production of electricity. It is a clean and renewable energy source that can produce enough electricity to power huge areas. More »

The invisible power

The energy of the wind is invisible and so powerful that has allowed humans to exploit the surface of the planet long before the discovering of electricity. More »


Renewable energy union – wind, water, earth and sun

Solar pannels of a renewable energy construction

Electricity production from renewable energy sources is vulnerable to natural conditions and often the demand and supply is hard to match. Scientists from all over the globe are working on a storage method that is cost effective and reliable. Latest research results are quite optimistic and probably very soon our dependence from traditional sources of energy will be easy to scratch.
Interesting fact is that the new ways to store energy are based on combination of the same renewable resources – on one hand as a production power and on the other as a storage capacity.
Compressed air storage plants use the extra power to pressurize air and store it into natural underground structures and later use it back for electricity production. These plants can re-generate as much as 80% of the electricity they take in.
Another promising method is a chemical reaction that converts electricity into chemical energy by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen fuels. These fuels can then be stored and re-converted to electricity for future use.
It seems that Nature has given us all we need, and it is in a symbiotic connection that our minds must reveal.